Spring 1
Our topic this half term is “Heroes and Heroines”. This will be a history-based topic with a specific focus on recognising who was important in a historical event and why. Elm will be learning to ask questions about different famous people and how they impacted history. Elm class will be able to create a class timeline to show when these famous events happened and why they are so important. Elm class will also be writing recounts of historical events/people to understand and retell the facts.
In Maths, this half term we will be starting with Measurement (Money) which will involve the skill of counting money – both pence and pounds. Making amounts using plastic money, comparing amounts and finishing with being able to find change. Elm class will then be starting to learn about multiplication and division, recognising what each symbol means, making and adding equal groups as well as multiplication sentences.
In Art, the children will be learning the skill of overlapping by using Papier Mache to create a hot air balloon inspired by the author Jules Verne ‘Around the world in 80 days. They will also be using different methods to add detail and texture to their balloons.
In DT will be closely linked to science by learning how to be hygienic and safe around food, as well as using tools to help them cut, grate and chop different foods.
In Science, Elm class will be learning about animals including humans by organising animals into groups, the life cycles of different animals and humans. Children will be able to observe animals and humans to understand more about their basic needs, an experiment linked to identifying fats in foods to further understand that fat is essential to diets. Elm class will also be looking at criterion for animals and how they can be grouped as well as researching information on healthy meals and cooking one (linked to DT).
PSHE will be focussing on Goals and Success, by choosing realistic goals, looking at their strengths, how to help others, working as a group to solve problems, how to be successful, discussing feelings when successful.
Homework will be set on a Tuesday to be collected on the following Monday. Maths and English is highlighted on the homework grid by a star and needs to be completed by all children. The homework grid also offers optional tasks for the children to complete that will support our topic learning.
Spellings for Spr 1
Adding –ed, -er and -est to a word ending in -y with a consonant before it
copier copied happier happiest cried replied dried driest |
Adding –ing to a word ending in –y with a consonant before it
copying crying replying marrying carrying flying trying drying |
Adding –ing, -ed, -er, -est and –y to words ending in –e with a consonant before it
hiking hiked hiker nicer nicest shiny shining being |
Adding –ing, -ed, -er, -est and –y to words of one syllable ending in a single consonant after a single vowel –
patting patted humming hummed dropping dropped sadder saddest |
The sound /or/ spelt ‘a’ before l or ll
all ball call walk talk always small altogether |
Common Exception Words
fast last father class grass pass plant path bath people |