Cultural Capital

Iceni Academy believe that cultural capital is essential for all pupils because it is the accumulation of knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to grow and live in our society. These fundamental concepts are taught, based on age groups every Wednesday in Community Time:

Family Time

In 2022/23 the students at our academy are raising awareness, improving our academy and helping in the following ways:

Cultural Capital Long Term Plan

British Value themes:

  • democracy,
  • the rule of law,
  • individual liberty,
  • mutual respect,
  • tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Autumn 1 The rule of law What laws do we have in the classrooms?
In school?
Autumn 2 The rule of law What laws do you know of that everyone has to follow?
Who makes these laws up?
The rule of law.
Spring 1 Individual liberty Watch the YouTube clip:
How does this work in our academy?
What would happen if the teachers said you could only follow what we said? So you could only eat what we have said and only play the games at playtime that we tell you to? Discuss?
Spring 2 Democracy What is democracy?
Summer 1 Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and or those without faith Tolerance assembly.
Summer 2 Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and or those without faith What does the word faith mean?
Why does it mean so much to some people?
Is it okay to not have a particular belief?
Should anyone be treated differently if their beliefs are different to ours?

British Values Guide For Parents